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Tuesday 17 June 2008

he came into my mind again.. i hate it.. it's like he's invading my mind.. my thoughts...

it's causing me unnecessary stress... especially when i woke up from the dream and can't sleep after that.... the worse thing is i don't even know the reason why when i'm not thinking about him at all!!

i'm disturbed by it.. but i'm not thinking bout it... so why the hell he keep appearing...

i'm upset.. every time the dream is something bad.. about him leaving me.. but that was yrs back.... i woke up crying, feeling guilty... guilty to the one who sleep beside me.. and for having this kind of thoughts for no reason...

i hope it can stop soon... i can be talking to my friend and suddenly mention "his" name... it's so unusual.. and it had never happen before till lately..

pls stop coming into my mind.. i hate it.. u break the trust that i have in you when u did all those things behind my back, you broke all the promises that u made to me.. then u left me with a broken heart.. i hate you for doing all this things to me.. i hate u for treating me the way you did.. i hate you for not choosing to end this amicably..


i thank you for putting me through all these...


it make me to be more appreciative of what i have now...

to be stronger...

to be more interdependent...

to "open" up my eyes so i can "see" better...

just leave me alone...



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