My boi is finally 6 weeks old but he still have jaundice. On the 1st nov, we will be bringing him back for his review, hopefully it's below 100. I was hoping for a miracle that it will be less then 50 BUT I know it's not possible. Because his jaundice level has been going down very slowly.
We have been bringing him out for morning sun and trying all sorts of remedies that people told us but apparently it's still the same. Well, the level did drop though. But not sure which is one that actually works as we are trying everything out. Kiasu harz..
I'm really very tired of his sleepless day and night. He can be up for his feeding and up for the next 2-3hrs awake. Somehow I have a phobia of him waking up for feed and not falling asleep after that, and I'm actually hoping that he don't wake up so often and sleep longer. I'm really really tired.. Not that I'm really tired but also because I'm worried that he's not getting enough sleep. Sleep is so important and essential to a newborn for him to grow but yet my boi is not sleeping much. I'm so tired and worried.
I guess I'm not a good mother afterall..
Sunday, 30 October 2011
Posted by angel at 21:14 0 comments
Thursday, 6 October 2011
Saturday, 1 October 2011
It's been 2 weeks since the birth of my little darling, Aloysius Joshua Tan. During this 2 weeks, my mood been fluctuating up n down.. First, he's been warded 2 days in KKH due to jaundice n till now it still haven't gone away. Now we are doing trying all sorts of method juz to "cure" it. =( secondly, it my confinement n lastly, milk supply.
With him having jaundice, I am so stress up n I cant stop thinking whether does he drink enough n do I have enough supply to supply him. My worse nightmare came true.. I realized my supply seem to be dropping but my baby is drinking more.. I am so worried n tense up.. I'm trying not to give him fm but my supply is not enough, what should I do? I am extremely upset. Plus his jaundice condition, I think I'm breaking down..
I never share this with my hubby because I know how he want me to be happy n not tense up over this. But seriously, I can't help especially when I feel that my baby is not drinking enough..
Am so lost n disappointed in myself..
Posted by angel at 22:31 0 comments