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Tuesday, 25 March 2008

virture or not?

is the ability to endure waiting, delay, or provocation without becoming annoyed or upset, or to persevere calmly when faced with difficulties.

"In the Christian religion, patience is one of the most valuable virtues of life. Increasing patience is viewed as the work of the Holy Spirit in the Christian who has accepted the gift of salvation. The high value placed on patience by Christianity is evidenced in the following bible references:

In the first letter Paul wrote to the Christian community at Thessalonica, he urged them to be patient: "We urge you, brothers, ... be patient with all. See that no one returns evil for evil; rather, always seek what is good for each other and for all." (1 Thessalonians 5:14-15, NAB)

The Epistle of James advises: "Be patient, therefore, brothers, ... See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, being patient with it until it receives the early and the late rains. You too must be patient." (James 5:7-11, NAB) Patience is important

In the Book of Sirach (which is accepted as part of the biblical canon by Catholics and Eastern Orthodox, but not by most Protestants), it is explained that patience is a quality of God: "What is man, of what worth is he? The good, the evil in him, what are these? The sum of a man's days is great if it reaches a hundred years: Like a drop of sea water, like a grain of sand, so are these few years among the days of eternity. That is why the LORD is patient with men and showers upon them his mercy." (Sirach 18:6-9, NAB)

While patience is not one of the traditional biblical three theological virtues nor one of the traditional four cardinal virtues, it is one of the seven virtues.

In Buddhism, patience is one of the "perfections" (paramitas) that a bodhisattva trains in and practices to realize perfect enlightenment (bodhi)"

Ranked in ascending order of sanctity, the seven holy virtues are:

  • Chastity (Latin, Castitas) (purity, opposes Lust, Latin Luxuria) —
    Embracing of moral wholesomeness and achieving purity of body and thought through education and betterment.
  • Temperance (Latin, Temperantia) (self-control, opposes Gluttony, Latin Gula) —
    Practicing self-control, abstention, and moderation.
  • Charity (Latin, Liberalitas) (will, generosity, opposes Greed, Latin Avaritia) —
    Generosity. Willingness to give. A nobility of thought or actions.
  • Diligence (Latin, Industria) (ethics, opposes Sloth, Latin Acedia) —
    A zealous and careful nature in one's actions and work. Decisive work ethic. Budgeting one's time; monitoring one's own activities to guard against laziness.
  • Patience (Latin, Patientia) (peace, opposes Wrath, Latin Ira) —
    Forbearance and endurance through moderation. Resolving conflicts peacefully, as opposed to resorting to violence. The ability to forgive; to show mercy to sinners.
  • Humility (Latin, Humilitas) (modesty, opposes Pride, Latin Superbia) —
    Modest behavior, selflessness, and the giving of respect. Giving credit where credit is due; not unfairly glorifying one's own self.

In this modern world, who knows what are the seven virtues? ask anyone from the younger generation and they will you, "what the f*u*k is that?" "who cares!" look at the age of youngster engaging in sexual activities, they are getting younger and younger. Look at the divorce rate, it's getting higher and higher. And look at the number of PI being hired by man to check on their wife, it's more than woman checking on their man. what does all this mean? Gone are the days where sexual acts only happen after marriage, where man are the only one who can file for divorce ... The world is changing. woman are making their choice. To live their live better. To treat themself better. To gain the respect that they should have. The ability to make own decision.

If patience is such a virtue, and they have an award for being patience, i think my mum will win this. Simple, she had been tolerating all my dad's nonsense and wrong-doings for umpteen years.. To me, my dad is incorrigible. As a woman, i will not waste my youth on such a person. Yes, he may have been a loving and caring boyfriend or husband once, but, he had also done enough hurt to everyone. And whatever good he done no longer atone for all his wrong-doings. Tell me it's about previous life and reincarnation, or tis is what we own him in our previous life, it's just pure bullshit. Even if it's really the case, he already got more than what he deserve from any one of us.

Am i being mean or unfilial by saying all this? i hate myself at time for being in such a position. I'm his daughter but I'm also a woman. Everyone have a choice and Yes i have a choice, i choose to stand by my mum no matter what even if it means i'm the one who get it in the end from both him n even my mum.. But i just can't stand the way my mum is being treated this way. She deserve a lot lot more. She may say things that hurt me, still, she had done lots more to gain my respect. i feel the hurt that she's feeling too and this is the reason that pull me into my state of nastiness towards my dad. i resent him for the things he do. his extreme bad habit.

I love the modern world where woman no longer need man to survive. If man can cheat, we can. If man can get a divorce, we can. If man can be standing at the top of the world, we woman can do it too. Don't ever think that woman are just born to be married away and their job is to stay at home n be a home-maker.. It's equal now.. what's the point of being married when there's no respect for each other, no care and understanding for each other. Being married nowadays simply means you don't have to wait till you are 35 to get your own flat. What does that marriage certificate mean when you don't honor the promise.. it's just a useless piece of paper.. tear it away now and you can easily re-obtain it from the ROM.. you just need to pay.. money rule the world now.

I had been hurt deeply once. And that once is enough to know what i want now. I make the choice to leave and i'm happily in another r/s, in fact now we are preparing to get married. if i had choose to stick to my previous regardless of how he treated me, i believe my smile wont be that often and my happiness wont be so much that it's overwhelming me. My mum told me everything can be worked out and i believe that. But being in a r/s is not a one-sided thing, it takes 2 hands to clap. If i want but the other party refuse to, can i force him? The scene will turn out ugly. My future will be gloomy and full of doubts cos the result is being "forced" out. Everyone have a choice, i remember "my future" told me that life is a matter of choices, choose to be happy or sad is very dependant on oneself. I choose to to let go of that r/s that is hopeless and step into another, this mean freeing myself from the past and getting what i should be getting, what i deserve.

i do wish that my mum have make a choice at that point of time, i believe her life would be so much more happier if she choose that..

i believe the family will be much closer, more love, care and understanding..

what a woman want is very simple... find a man who truly love her, honor her, respect her.. give her your best, promise her your heart and that you'll never do anything to hurt her and she will really give you her all.. i trust that my dad did it once, that's why till now my mum is still with him, forgiving him no matter what he did....

is it silly ? i think it's just love...



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