how many times have you drop your tears over the one that you love? how many times does your love one know that you cried so much for them just because you never cry infront of them? why bottled up everything when it's better to talk things out?
i once heard, women's tears are very precious, do not let other people see it... a man shouldn't let his lady cry...
But... how many times have you seen a girl crying over her love one?
We don't take tears of joy into considerations... just the downs... how many times have you cried since the day your started? does he know? does he feel pain when he saw you cry? does he even feel something?
crying may not be the way to solve problems or issues... however, all of them forgotten that crying is the basic emotion of human beings! why can't man cry as well? they are human being too! they can feel too... women are always call the weaker side of the human being.. why is that so? just because they cry?
crying is just a way of releasing your unhappiness... shout and cry at the same time! it works even better.. all your fustrations and unhappiness will go..
i will still cry.. not because of what.. that's just because i am a normal human being...
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