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Thursday, 13 December 2007


had a loOOong talk with my B.O last night.. discovered something new about him again.. maybe all along he's like that but somehow i never realized.. it's either that or i take it for granted that he should do it... i feel so upset with myself... the new thing that i discovered.. he's always reflecting and thinking about our r/s and that he really value and respect me alot more then what i think... and the reassurance of what are our needs and the love we have for each other.. =) *lovely*

last night was so sweet.. it was literally "love is in the air".. as much as i would like to continue to sink myself in that atmosphere but it was kinda late and we need to work tomorrow (to be practical---> we need our sleep/rest----> need "bread" to survive not just love)...

we shared about all our concerns, worries, stress, dreams... things that we choose to keep to ourself then to let the other partner worry.. calming each other down with promises and solutions as well as what's the worse scenario? as long as we have each other by our side, everything will be fine.. it's the encouragement, the determination to provide your best for your love ones, the understanding , the need for each other and the love that will pull you through everything... just the thought of your love one is always behind you supporting you will push you to move on.. =)

things that doesn't kill you will just make you stronger.. the next day will be a brand new day.. start everyday with a smile, end each day with a smile...

Tuesday, 11 December 2007


Came across this on the internet.... what a boyfriend should do........

- When she walks away from you mad
[Follow her ]

When she stares at your mouth
[ smile...then kiss her ]

When she pushes you or hit's you
[ hug her tight ]

When she starts cursing at you
[ say i love you ]

When she's quiet
[ hold her hand and ask what's wrong ]

When she ignores you
[ act cute so she'll notice you ]

When she pulls away
[ Pull her back ]

When you see her at her worst
[ tell her you love her and she still looks amazing ]

When you see her start crying
[hold her...ask her what's wrong]

When you see her walking
[ approach her..give a kiss on the cheek. ]

When she's scared
[assure her you're not goin to leave her ]

When she lays her head on your shoulder
[ tilt your head too..and hold her hand ]

When she steals your favorite hat
[ let her keep it]

When she teases you
[ Tease her back and make her laugh ]

When she doesnt answer for a long time
[ reassure her that everything is okay ]

When she looks at you with doubt
[ Back yourself up ]

When she says that she likes you
[ she really does more than you could understand ]

When she grabs at your hands
[ Hold hers and play with her fingers ]

When she bumps into you
[ bump into her back and make her laugh ]

When she tells you a secret
[ keep it safe and untold ]

When she looks at you in your eyes
[ dont look away until she does ]

When she misses you
[ she's hurting inside ]

When you break her heart
[ the pain never really goes away ]

When she says its over
[ she still wants you to be hers ]

When she repost this bulletin
[ she wants you to read it ]

- Stay on the phone with her even if shes not saying anything.

- When she's mad
hug her tight and don't let go

- When she says she's ok
dont believe it, talk with her

- because 10 yrs later she'll remember you:

- Call her at 12:00am on her birthday to tell her you love her

- Call her before you sleep and after you wake up

- Treat her like she's all that matters to you.

- Tease her and let her tease you back.

- Stay up all night with her when she's sick

- Watch her favorite movie with her or her favorite show even if you think its stupid

- Give her the world.

- Let her wear your clothes.

- When she's bored and sad, hang out with her.

- Let her know she's important.

- Kiss her in the pouring rain.

- When she runs up at you crying, the first thing you say is;
"Who's ass am I kicking babe?"

many times, people tend to forget that in a r/s small things is lots more important than big things things..

Monday, 10 December 2007


how many times have you drop your tears over the one that you love? how many times does your love one know that you cried so much for them just because you never cry infront of them? why bottled up everything when it's better to talk things out?
i once heard, women's tears are very precious, do not let other people see it... a man shouldn't let his lady cry...
But... how many times have you seen a girl crying over her love one?
We don't take tears of joy into considerations... just the downs... how many times have you cried since the day your started? does he know? does he feel pain when he saw you cry? does he even feel something?
crying may not be the way to solve problems or issues... however, all of them forgotten that crying is the basic emotion of human beings! why can't man cry as well? they are human being too! they can feel too... women are always call the weaker side of the human being.. why is that so? just because they cry?
crying is just a way of releasing your unhappiness... shout and cry at the same time! it works even better.. all your fustrations and unhappiness will go..
i will still cry.. not because of what.. that's just because i am a normal human being...


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