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Monday, 1 October 2007

busy busy busy...

been so busy with my school work that i hardly get to sleep for more than 5hrs for the past weeks... even sat and sun.. damn horrible... i simply don't understand the reason why are we given so many assignment and the submission date are so close to one another.. when we ask for extension, the lecturer will say if you change the submission date then you will not be able to complete the other one... what the hell right! hardly even complete one, here comes another.. and the assignment are all essays and you need to do research! and Oh yA, we have lesson 3-4 times a week, if it happens to be 2 times a week then the 2-3 next week will be 4/week...

The other one is the attachment, it's not that i mind the attachment, (i enjoyed it) but hello~ we are all working adults! the reason why we are here for part time is b'cos we cannot commit to full time! No doubt taking on the course will cause us our sleep and time, but not the fact that it's going to affect our work! it's 7days! and we have 1 attachment every semester, the last attachment will be 14days!
what if we really cannot go for the attachment? are we going to fail that module???

i need to have time for friends, family (even if it just sitting there watching tv show but now i don't get a chance to) and my bf.. he's the most poor thing... send me to school, wait there for 3 hrs only to send me back home then he head home again yet he never complaint.. even sometimes sat and sun i need to meet up for some project discussion he will send me there ,go nearby take a walk then come back and pick me up again... if not when i'm doing assignment at his place, he will cook whatever i want to eat while i'm do my assignment.... it's been awhile since i last cooked for him, i feel so guilty..

it's only been like 6mths since i started on my part time course, but i really feel so tired, especially rushing out the assignment... feel like hibernating for one season before it start all over again....



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