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Tuesday, 14 August 2007

simple wants...

went grocery shopping on both sat and sun alone.. weather is so hot and make me feel that the things that i bought which is not alot to be so much more heavier....

if onli a man is here..

if only i have a license den i can drive his car for grocery shopping.... =(

At home lazing around then finally decided to mend his trousers and iron his shirt after finishing my show haha .....

feel so weird making the cake alone.. much more work.. and cannot say 'darling can you help me to boil the water, darling can you help me to mix the mixture..' tat's y it took abit longer for me to finish making the tiramisu...

Sunday early noon start to wash, cut , prepare and cook his dinner... and that's when i realise i don't mind staying home to cook, i don't mind doing the household chores, i don't mind staying at home and wait for him to be back home... i love kids , i love to bake, i love my SO , i love my home to be neat and tidy and i love to see the smile on my SO when he came home and saw the meal prepared by me... every time... nv once did it fail... the only thing i hate is washing dishes... arugh... just hate it.. if i ever hire a maid for my future house, her job will only be washing the dishes n clothes...

i realise i'm just a simple ger in pursuit of simple happiness that's all...



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