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Saturday, 7 July 2007

my dreamy thoughts...

--mY lOve--

** dreamy** dreamy***

i'm in a dreamy mood today when i think about all the things that my SO done......

Rainy day...

lucky my SO send me to wrk today.. =D feeling so xin fu to have such a sweet SO =D

Things he done for me so far;

1) picking me up from work every working day no matter where is he (it's been bout 8mths)

2) waited for 3 hours when i having lesson (it's been bout 3mths)

3) condoned all my bad habits *oops*

4) offer me his shoulders whenever i need it

5) provide me with strength when i'm feelin weak

6) always giving in to me even when i was wrong

7) never lose faith n confidence in me

8) trying his best to be dreamy/romantic even though he's not ( tHanks darlin,i appricate it)

9) cooking anything that i asked him to and the best part ----> it's yummy!

10) accepting me the way i am and had never ever requested/want me to change (alot of ppl say that but how many ppl can reali do it? MY SO !)

11) extremely patient cos my temperament are real bad =(

12) Treat me like a princess, love it whenever he call me princess and kisses my hand =D

13) extreme caring and he knows what i want

14) care more about me then himself

15) want me to have the best ( there's no more the best cos he's already with me)

16) not only share the ups with me but also the downs

this list is still continuing n never ending ..........................

The most impt thing is ;

'He Love me & He's always here for me'

i wonder how many guys can do that..

'having your love one beside & growing old together with you is the
most beautiful thing on earth'

' i will always be beside you and growing old with you is my dream'

'I will keep my promises not b'cos of anything

if there must be a reason
that reason is



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