ah well...
miSsin hIm.... at bintan... dont you guys juz hate the feeling that your love one is not beside you physically.. no hugz n kIsses... don't like it.. why cant someone be here for you all the time?? (i know i'm being childish, ppl need to work, have their own space... etc...etc..) but i cant help it... no phone calls cause he's having some discussion or lesson with his boss but he promise he will give me a ring late evening or at nite... *sign* no choice..... now i'm staring at the clock hoping it will be nite soon... n i'm like a silly ger carrying my phone everywhere i go juz incase he call... *hai*

Nothin goOd happen when he's not around ..... The onli good thing is, he's BACK tmr! yippEE!
24more hrs to go...
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