wedding websites

Monday, 22 December 2008

pls vote for me...


you can vote once daily...

thanks alot...

Thursday, 18 December 2008

Got this from interesting....

A New Age Husband

Here are 37 things a Sensitive and New Age Husband can and must do:

1. Massage her everyday
2. Fetch her from work
3. Send her to work
4. Help mark her school work
5. Do house chores
6. Cook for her
7. Wash her clothes
8. Iron her clothes
9. Do marketing
10. Take care of the babies
11. Bring the children to school
12. Stay at home to look after the house while wife goes for “retail therapy” on weekends
13. Don’t smoke
14. Don’t gamble
15. Don’t drink
16. Let her have the good things first (such as have the cleaner seat at the food centre)
17. Let her eat the good food first
18. Take care of her when she is unwell
19. Take care of her even when she is well
20. Feed her medicine when she is unwell

21. Run errands for her
22. Prepare breakfast for her so that she can sleep late
23. Prepare dinner for her so that she can rest at home after work
24. Let her have the car and he takes the public transport
25. Let her have the good food while he finishes what she doesn’t like
26. Help her finish the food that she can’t eat
27. Know what she likes to eat
28. Know what she dislikes
29. Know her fear
30. Know her problems

31. Know her menstrual cycle (sometimes even better than herself)
32. Sensitive to her mood swings
33. Sensitive to her needs
34. Sensitive to her challenges at work
35. Sensitive to her frustrations with anything
36. Still love her though there are times that she really made him angry
37. Give a morning and goodnight
kiss everyday, without fail

man, you got to work hard...

Wednesday, 3 December 2008

Here I am at six o'clock in the morning

Still thinking about you
It's still hard, at six o'clock in the morning
To sleep without you

And I know that it might
Seem too late for love
All I know

I need you now
More than words can say
I need you now
I've got to find a way
I need you now
Before I lose my mind
I need you now

Here I am, I'm looking out my window
I'm dreaming about you
Can't let you go, at six o'clcok in the morning
I feel you beside me

And I know that it might
Seem too late for love
For love Oh, Oh, Oh

I need you now
More than words can say
I need you now
I've got to find a way
I need you now
Before I lose my mind
I need you now
More than words can say
I need you now
Oh I got to hear you say
I need you now
Before I lose my mind
I need you now
I need you now

Alias- more than words can say...

it's this song... shall this be one of my wedding song?

we just hang up the phone at 4+ am.. and the next call i receive at 6+am is;

"hello dear, i'm here.."


"look towards the multi-storey car park.."

*shock* "what are you doing here so early? you no need to sleep and you not tired?"

"nope, after hanging up i showered, and i'm here to prove my love for you..."

when we first met... when we just started dating... when my mum haven't accept you... when everything is so uncertain and rocky... when the future seem so tough...

thank you dear...

you make everything right... till now.. you make all my efforts worth it...

Monday, 24 November 2008

marriage is;

a social, religious, spiritual, or legal union of individuals. This union may also be called matrimony, while the ceremony that marks its beginning is usually called a wedding and the married status created is sometimes called wedlock.

it also may serve:

(i) to establish the legal father of a woman's children;
(ii) to establish the legal mother of a man's children;
(iii) to give the husband a monopoly in the wife's sexuality;
(iv) to give the wife a monopoly in the husband's sexuality;
(v) to give the husband partial or monopolistic rights to the wife's domestic or other labour services;
(vi) to give the wife partial or monopolistic rights to the husband's labour services;
(vii) to give the husband rights over the property of his wife;
to give the wife rights over the property of her husband;
(ix) to establish a joint fund of property, a partnership, for the benefit of the children of the marriage; and
(x) to establish a socially significant ‘relationship of affinity’ between the husband and his wife's brothers.

in the christian views.... marriage is...

Jesus described marriage as a relationship, a union, so intimate and real that "the two become one flesh." As persons, husband and wife are of equal value. In truth, they are one. Finally, Jesus added his emphasis on marriage being God-made and lifelong:

Have you not read, he replied, that at the beginning the Creator "made them male and female," and said, "For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh"? So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate (Matthew 19:4–6, Mark 10:6–9).

Marriage, especially marriage between believers, is often analogized to a picture of the Trinity. Though a woman and a man are separate individuals, in Christian marriage they become joined by God as one flesh in a manner analogous to Adam and Eve, who were distinct persons though literally created from the same flesh (Genesis 2:23-25,Matthew 19:4-6, Mark 10:7-9, 1 Corinthians 6:16, Ephesians 5:30-32). The relationships — (a) in the Trinity, (b) between husband and wife, and (c) between Christ and individual believers — are analogous to each other. Each of these relationships points to the unity of individual believers and the Church with Christ and with the Father. Christian marriage is portrayed as the epitome of mutuality. Neither spouse owns her or his own body; that body belongs to the other spouse, and to them both jointly( 1 Corinthians 7:4).

All major Christian groups take marriage to be normal and proper, to be "held in honor among all" ( Hebrews 13:4). Biblically, weddings are described as times of joy.

now... marriage is between 2 of us right? does it still comprises of other people? it's the matrimony of 2 persons, it’s husband and wife, not husbands and wives!! why do they just like to interfere so much??? it's out of respect that we tell them and keep them updated of what we have done... but not for them to say this can or this cannot... these are making me going crazy.. it's my wedding and i'll do it the way i want! if not i would rather put the wedding on hold! dammnit!! i don't have so much energy for all this!!

We want to get married.. We love each other and want to begin our next chapter of life together…

According to Paul's first letter to the church at Corinth in chapter 7 which he sums up in verses 8 and 9 as:

Now to the unmarried and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I am. But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion (1 Corinthians 7:8-9).

So I will continue to plan for our wedding.. but please stop treating me as though I’m invisible…

yes... i'm being grouchy and grumbling...

and i think it will continue till i settle everything... one by one...


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