celebrated our anniversary on 31st oct 07..
been waiting for this day , not because of anything but just want to see his expression when he see my present to him...
i left office at 530pm sharp and my sweet love is already here to pick me up... =D (not 'cos i'm lazy but i just can't wait and i tink my love feel the same too! but no choice i still got to work.. =( )
finally he told me where we are going for dinner.. .villa bali @ gillman village!!
We reach there pretty early (it's like less then 20mins drive to there from my work place) so i decided to pass him his present in the car itself.. =)
I watch him as he remove the wrapper carefully.. when he saw the present, there was a wide smile on his face ( he told me he almost cry cos he was very touched.. wAhaha)
and it was my turn to open up his present for me... keke it's a mug with our pictures n his words! so sweet of him.. never thought that he will do such thing for me cos he like too "da nan ren"
my present for him

his present for me
after that we walk around the place enjoying the peacefulness and thinking where to sit.. haha..
we finally decided where to sit and we took a long time to decide what to eat... after some time we finally decided on....

the food -------> YuMMMy!! simple love the glutinous rice! the smell and the taste! gOOOd! but my BO say Thailand's one is even better... (nvm we get to taste in at the end of the yr, YiPpeE!!)
over the meal we talked about how we met, how we felt... feeling so sweet.. right to my heart..
the ambiance was nice and romantic, feel like being surrounded by nature.. not much people there also and i like the quietness.. it's as though he booked the whole place and there's only the two of us.. =)

After dinNer, we went to nOrth bOrder at rochester park... suppose to go one rochester but it's closed for private events.. =(
'cos we don't really know the way there, we make use of ......
the gadgets that took us to our destination.. keke
and realized how near these 2 places are... haha
@ north border, (we are still full from the previous meal) we ordered,
mostly mushroom

my cOcktAil
hIs bEer

thE sIDe dIsh that's with tHe bEeR..
a nice and cosy place... even have "live" music... both of us enjoyed the music.. the ambiance was great.. we had fun discussing about everything! from his friends to what have we been doing for the past year.. after our drinks, we went for a walk around the place with a representative from the restaurant.. he brought us round the place and there's a shop besides the bar counter selling all sorts of thing (keke) and there's also a private event going on at the 2nd storey of North Border but being nice, he open the door and let us have a look... there's a nice fire place and the layout of the room is simply simple and cosy.. =) i love it!
his devilish lOOk =)
trying to look evil but fail.... =(
@ the swing..

@ entrance of north border

it's been a year that we met, many things happened, both good and bad.... we worked it through and i'm glad that he never gave up.. he give in a lot to me, try to spent every moment of his time with me, always letting me know his schedule so i know, respecting me in every single way, treating me like a princess, cooks for me.... he may do things that irritates me at certain times but he also do things that melt my heart.. i do things that annoys him like hell but i also do things that make him smile... i guess that's just parts and parcel of being in a relationship.. i love the way he smile when i did something that touches his heart and the look of his face when he wake up (so blur and cute) i love his madness (that either make me laugh like crazy or make me mad), love his hugs , kisses and his efforts to communicate with my parents... every moment spend together, we will have a little small new discovery about each other.... which means that if you notice, there will always be something new about your partner.. the changes in your partner is not overnight and when you never notice it most probably is you never really notice your partner or there's no communication that's all...
Happy Anniversary my dear...
this is the first and many more to come.... =)