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Friday 23 May 2008

"aNgeLiA ™ says:

u Noe last nite i couldnt' slp, suddenly i tink of how we met.. den i wonder wat will happen if u turn up at kent ridge

m@DmONk says:

aNgeLiA ™ says:

will we start even earlier.. or thEre too many ppl for u to even Notice me

m@DmONk says:

that's why someTimes it's like fated lor BBQ also alot of people mar

m@DmONk says:

we are fated to be together baby even though I miss the first , still eventually we met

aNgeLiA ™ says:

BBq de place is so small how can we Miss each other? kent ridge so big n dark u Nv Noe...

m@DmONk says:

i think we're fated darling.. even if we miss each other in kent ridge, BBQ we sure could have met

m@DmONk says:

since i never go kent ridge, i still met and fell in love with at the BBQ means we fated no matter what..

aNgeLiA ™ says:

juz a thot..

m@DmONk says:

Baby, i'll always love, honour, cherish, respect and treasure you!!!"

he's always so sweet.. since the first time i met him.

i just love to think about how we met... i guess that's my nature.. i feel so sweet whenever i think of how we met..

million of people walk past you but how many people do u actually notice and eventually get to know each other?

the first time we met was at a BBQ. Chatted a bit here and there. First impression of him was friendly, sincere and someone who can speak well. He make an impression. a real nice impression. was hoping he will ask for my number but he never, abit disappointed but no choice. i didn't want to go for the BBQ cos i feel that it's going to be a bunch of car enthusiastic around and i know nuts about car, but after awhile, i rather be a idiot among them than staying alone at home watching vcds. so i went with my bro.

"if i choose not to go for the BBQ with my bro, will i still have the chance to meet him?? the first meet up at kent ridge he wanted to go but didn't cos he scratch his bummer(i think) and lost his mood.. if he had turn up, will we miss each other? there's so many people over there and it's kinda dark there too.. if we realli met each other then, how will it be like?"

He actually filled up my mind for a few days. i kept thinking about him. the way he speak and the way he carry himself. i'm a sucker for man who can carry himself well. apparently at the BBQ, he was the only one who caught my eyes... i wonder when can i see him again. after awhile i decide to stop thinking about him as i don't think it's possible between me n him cos i don't even know when will we meet up again..

then one day, i receive a phone from my bro that this guy that i have been thinking about asked him for my number and whether can he have it. i was like, "juz give him my number and how come u don't have my number!". i waited quite some time for his call as he only call me at night when my bro give him my number in the noon. Throughout that period, my phone was beside me all the time, i kept wondering how come so long he still never call me..

our first conversation goes like this, (cannot remember the exact words)

him : hello, still remember me? i'm adrian, we met at ted's workplace (how can i not remember?)
me : yes.


we started talking on the phone and sending msgs.

soon after, my bro have another meet up which is the steamboat gathering at marina south. That's the second time we met.. and he offer to pick me up cos my bro is not free. (more likely i'm too troublesome liao)

i waited so long for him at home. i kept looking out at the window wondering is he here yet. How i wish to see him now. i don't know why. But i just want to see him. i want to see the guy who i have been talking on the phone with. The guy who have been msging me sweet goodnight msgs. not that i forget how he look like. But i just want to. He make me laugh. we exchange alot of msg whilst waiting.

him: hey babe, sorry to keep you waiting.. i'm almost going to be done soon... really sorry.. i know it's an unspoken rule, never to keep a lady waiting... you must be starving by now..

me: its ok, take your time. i'm not hungry yet. i took the ai xin xue ge remember?


and awhile later, he reach and he call me. actually i already know.. cos i keep looking out of the window. keke when i walk down, i saw him. i pretended that i don't remember but actually i do. i seriously do remember how he loook like. just wanted to be abit more ...... keke

in the car, we didn't really converse much. was just listening to the music. i saw him looking at the rear mirror and a few times our eyes met. i don't know is he looking out for the car or looking at me. But deep down inside, i'm smiling. i know he's interested in me. so do i. i'm interested in him too. But still have to be a bit more reserve afterall i'm a ger. =) During the journey to marina south, he's playing "ji shi ben". almost teared. feeling very down. alot of things went through my mind. my past r/s. i just broke up not long ago and he's still in my mind. i guess he notice this that's why he keep looking back. At marina south, he was really sweet. He not only serve me, but peel prawns for me. =) till today i can still remember the look on his face and how his friends tease me. of course my bro too.

After that, we head towards loyang temple. naturally, i will take my bro's car. I was surprise when he ask me why don't take his car and even suggested colin (his frd) to take my bro's car instead. kekeke i know i know the reason why. But just pretend. keke ger mar...

at loyang temple we was walking side by side, but occasionally we will go our own separate ways looking at things. (he told me after that, he don't want to appear too obvious keke) after the temple went to the coffee shop and drink coffee with the gang.. was realli fun. it's was the first time that i join such a big group. During the coffee session, our eyes met a few times. i tried my best not to be very obvious but still i got caught... =)

i'm still questioning him about why he choose me, why is he so attracted to me, how u feel on our first date, what do u feel like doing on the first date, why me, am i really the ger he wants to be with for the rest of his life (even though we are already planning), why this why that even though we have already been together for almost 2years... sometimes it got me wonder, does he find me a nuisance?

i just love to think about the past and immerse myself in those kind of mood.... the feeling is amazing...



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