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Saturday 15 March 2008


received a surprise yday from BO yday...

when he first came into my office.. i noticed that he's all dressed u (cos usually he will be in bermuda and t-shirt) , he looked really good.. =) ask him why.. first he say going dating must wear nice than he say want to celebrate my passing of exams.. decide to bring me somewhere nice for dinner... =)

he waited for me about 1hr in the office as i need to complete my report for my practicum.. was really stress and sian.. nvm another one down.. yIppEE!!!

when we went down to the car park to get the car, put my bag at the back seat, walk back to the front seat, my face immediately light up (i think) when i saw...

my surprise!!! it's been a while since i last receive flowers from him.. for a moment i thought. "what occasion is it today? how come i don't remember?" i ask him and his reply was,"cos you pass your exam, than i see you so down and stress recently, decide to cheer you up, so buy you this and bring you for a nice dinner, pus i also long time never surprise you le." =)

my fourth bouquet! (this time round roses usually is tulips) =)

so sweet... that's good bout him.. he know when i'm happy and when i'm not.. he's a SNAG... to be honest.. i was glad that i pass my exam and i wasn't really thinking about it. as what he always say what the worst thing that can happen.. at most retake again lorz... the thing that make me so happy is seeing him everyday.. it just brighten up my day (he's my sunshine and i'm his sunshine) =D love his smile...

went to school quickly submit my assignment and we went for dinner!

ask him where is he bringing me to.. he say duxton hill and went on telling me he did his research and he plan this time round... he went online to search for places to eat... (cos previously i complain bout him not planning... what if something went wrong.. den how?) it's been a while since the 2 of us go out and have a proper nice dinner.. i guess cos we haven't been feeling well and want to stay at home.. actually he's still coughing last nite but.. haiz.. he naughty...

we finally reach the place.. it's The toucan irish pub...

outside of the pub, there's even a wishing well and a garden.. its very pretty! he told me he choose this place bcos of the wishing well and he know i will definitely like it.. and well i love it! i love this kind of places! thank you so much darling for making the effort.. really appreciate it lots lots.. *muUacCks*

we are at toucan!! =)

last nite was the first time i took dinner at a bar counter as one of the section is close for private function for St' Patrick day...
was kinda refreshing... haha

we ordered...

fish and chips

crispy chilly chicken

toucan wings..

the food was fantastic! yUmmY!! after that we head home as i still got to work the next day =)
had a really wonderful evening... enjoyed myself... esp. just the two of us =) i'm thankful i met someone like him who will surprise me once in a while and never get tired of reassuring me( i wonder does he) i have doubts.. not him but myself.. just to end it off.. the feeling of being surprised is just so wonderful... =D

Our pIxs

having him besides me is the best thing that can ever happen.. =) love him lots....



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