wedding websites

Tuesday 17 July 2007


i realise no matter how much we ask as long as we don't believe the person there's no point in asking...
wasting money... the things that girls want for are a waste of money.. so upset when i heard this.. don't they understand no matter how they feel shouldn't they put it in a nicer way? mayb it's meant to b a joke but it's not funny... or mayb i cant' take this kind of jokes....
not feeling too good right now... disappointed...
wish that someone could be beside me now.. i don't need him to say or do anything, juz stay beside me, hold my hand and tell me that everything will be fine.. juz keep me company.. sometimes it's this kind of moments, when u're feeling insecure and in need of someone for u to rely giving u the sense of security that u're lacking...
i guess that person simply juz forgot about it.. or else it could be me throwing a tantrum, mood swings or whatever you can think of that is not necessary... maybe he had gotten used to it and don't see any point in doing anything anymore... mayb his patience run out... maybe he did but it's not what i want..
alot of maybes.... i don't know.... if those are the maybes...
time changes people, be it good or bad... you like it or don't like it....
relationship changes over time... the way partner treat one another changes... that's what everyone is saying.. but yet it's up to individual... depends on your luck..
are the things i want as simple as i want it to be? am i as simple as what i thought i am?
my bday already over, someone who claim that he will always wish me did not do so.. even when we are juz frds... he once mentioned that he nv want to lose a frd like me and that he hate the feeling that he's losing me as a frd but yet what had he done to preserve this frdship of ours? Every misunderstanding we had had to be clear up by me and he never bother to do anything.. what kind of frd is he? taking advantage? every time we chat, the whole conversation seem to surround him and nothing about me.. what is this? told him that i don't get the things that he tellin me yet he still carry on and after that juz say he's talking to a wall and bye.. f*** what the hell! don't he understand ppl need to work and that it's so rude to cut off the conversation juz like that?
promises are meant to be broken.. how many people is this world reali keep to their words?



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