wedding websites

Friday 17 April 2009

life is full of uncertainties...

one moment you can be deeply in love, the very next moment you can be filled with grievances..

one moment you can't live without each other but the next moment, you hate each other to the core...

one moment you can be so sure of everything but the next moment everything seem so bleak...

such is life....

Thursday 9 April 2009

action speaks louder than words...

it's always the case..... get it?

Wednesday 8 April 2009

i dial his number today...

it's definitely, absolutely not because i miss him... i have no idea.. but no no no.. he's not in my mind at all...

its simply impossible and ridiculous....

suddenly find myself very ignorant..

so many things that i do not know...

the most common thing that people know but i have not idea about it....

- tax ( 0 knowledge)
- elections
- the happenings in sg ( the only one that i know is the food poisoning in gelyang serai. =( )
- how does this and that works.. ( i'm not that good in IT as well)
- what insurance do i have.. ask my baby and he will tell u.. can't believe it, it's my policy yet i don't know...
- car license
- nuts about car.... and i mean the basic.. i don't even know what the hell COE is and the purpose...
- how does loans work...
- love make up but tink my skills sux
- my salutation after getting married.. mrs lim-tan , mrs angelia tan, mdm.. should i adopt, keep my maiden name or what? approach lawyer or ica???

my god!

am i hopeless or what?

Monday 6 April 2009

yes.. he's away and back again.. time passes so fast that i didn't have the time to miss him other than minutes before i fall asleep.. i will go through the photos that we took, looking at the photos reminds me of the past and the lovely things he said and happened... before i know it, i fell asleep halfway through thinking abt him with my phone beside me and him in my mind....

Friday mornin, woke up at 630am, accompanied him to the terminal, after so much of hugs, kisses and saying millions of take care,be careful, then i am off to work.. =(

started counting down to the day he will be back.. hate this..

at nite, met up with a frd for a quick dinner.. didn't reali enjoyed his company, enjoying more of the ambiance of the restaurant instead.. cos of the nonsense things that he said and questions like, "are you happy", "i wont go to your wedding cos.....," " you reali "chop" your htb hor," "u reali da xiao jie," .... pisses me off totally...

- of cos i am happy, else there wouldn't b the next chapter...
- i'm not forcing you to attend my wedding but cos i regard u as a dear frd, hence, you are invited. if you can't forget the past and that's the reason u donwan to attend den forget about it...
- i not chopping my htb for goodness sake! , he love me plus the cost is reasonable and is not juz about fulfilling my childhood dream.... he likes the place too...
- i da xiao jie is not becos i'm not willing to do anything, i'm willing to do but cos my htb is doing everything for me willingly w/o me asking.. do you have any problem with that?

oh pls!!! move on and don't live in the goddamn past... anyway it wasn't a pleasant one so dump those memories u have into the bin n stop telling me u miss it cos i don't!!!

On sat.. party till 3+am in the morning with my frds.. it was fun!! its been a long long time since i last party so hard... oh yeah.. together with the drinks.. haha not too much not too little, it's just nice.. and yes, tis is the first time i ever pay for the drink and it cost me $96 after splitting with my frds.. =( ah well.. i had a great time.. $ can be earn... heehe

couldn't slp and started calling allen (who is suppose to meet me on friday but fly aeroplane), at 730am.. a long lost frd?? nah just a frd who always fly me aeroplane and hard to catch up with him due to his crazy unschedulable wrk... =P aniway.. called him a few times as i couldn't slp and wanted to go out for a walk.. he return my call saying he just came back frm wrk and if i don mind he will bring a mat n slp while i enjoy the breeze.. *faint* in the end we still didn't manage to catch up cos he's reali tired.. am reali disappointed... i can't even remember when was the last time we meet up... haiz.... wonder when can we meet up... miss him too... another close frd of mine who i met a couple of yrs back when i first started working.. he's another guy who nv fail to make me laugh and enlighten me in many ways.. a very nice guy.... =)

On sun... finally my baby call me and told me that he's back at the kelong safely with good catch! oh yea.. this mean i have lotsa fish to eat... haha and the fact that he can call means he will be back soon, cos reception at the sea is not good.. he can't contact me at all.. try umpteen times but always fail...

finally... monday!! he's back and i'm off to his home to give him a surprise since i can't pick him up at the ferry terminal....


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