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Wednesday 16 November 2011

"ah ger,你回来了" is the reason y I prefer going back to my place.. This warms my heart n make me feel important... Rather than "aloysius, 你来了,我很想你.." without me or ur son, will there even be him? Well, even though I'm glad that they love him, but at least all the invitations home is not for the reason of just seeing him..

Jealous? Not even abit. I just feel that I'm not part of their family ever since the birth of my prince. Even during my confinement. I appreciate what she does but some things that she do just make me feel that way. Not forgetting the things that she say which piss me off totally.. Eg, "你们抱他抱到很sian, 我来抱","他们每次不给我抱你" . How can I not be angry after hearing this? I can't take it anymore today n I rebuked her back.. I know I shouldn't but I have my limits. Don't push any further..

I respect u but quit saying those kind of things.


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